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hello everybody

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Shoompaladore Constitution

We The People Of Shoompaladore

The citizens of Shoompaladore have the following rights and liberties:

1. All citizens have the right to freedom of religion

2. All citizens have the right of free speech

3. All citizens have the right to a fair trial

4. All citizens have the right to an education

5. Both genders obtain the same rights from this constitution

6. All citizens have the right to peaceful assembly

7. All citizens have the right to bear arms

8. All citizens have the right to own property

The leader(s) of our country will be:

Government is set up as a Democracy. Citizens of Shoompaladore always directly elect the VP and President by majority vote. Every citizen of any class will have a voice in their government whether they choose to vocalize it or not.


The President of Shoompaladore has the right to any religion & may practice it. Though the President has the right, he or she are prohibited to impress his or her religion into the constitution or on the people of their country. The following are requirements to any person, male or female who are running for presidential office; A natural born citizen of Shoompaladore of at least twenty years, at least forty years of age, & finally he or she may serve up to two terms of four years as President or Vice President. The President always has the final say.

Presidential Duties:

The President chooses government officials with approval by the Shoompanono. Only the President may veto bills of any kind. He or she is and always will be the Chief Diplomat and will determine Foreign policy of Shoompaladore as well as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Our President is the Chief of State, representing our country to other world leaders.

Vice President:

The Vice President of Shoompaladore has the right to any religion & may practice it. Though the Vice President has the right, he or she are prohibited to impress his or her religion into the constitution or on the people of their country. The following are requirements to any person, male or female who are running for presidential office; A natural born citizen of Shoompaladore of at least twenty years, at least forty years of age, & finally he or she may serve up to two terms of four years as President or Vice President.

Vice Presidential Duties:

The Vice President has several on hand mandatory duties while in position of office. He or she will act as a shield or block for the President. The Vice president is to back up the President and to deflect criticism away by doing whatever necessary. It is the obligation of the Vice President to assist and portray the President in a positive light. The VP will break any tie votes of the Shoompalaw process.

If the VP feels the President is in the process or has gone corrupt with too much power, then an announcement is made country wide by the VP, him or herself. A meeting is then held between the President, VP, the Shoompanono, and other Representatives to determine what will happen to the President. If the people of Shoompaladore feel that not enough is being done, they have power to suggest the President’s fate.

Protection of Former Representatives:

After presidency or vice presidency, each former representative will receive up to a maximum of 12 years of secret service protection. The number of years that secret service protection will be provided, will depend on how their political career turns, when that representative is out of office is.

Election Process:

Election for president is held every second year of the current president in charge. Presidential candidates choose VPs ahead of time therefore the people know who possible VP candidates may be. Candidates may only use personal money for campaigning.


Nominees for presidency will have to give their speech on why they will be the best candidate for Shoompaladore. The speeches will have to focus more on the lower class since they are the ones that are the main voters. Even if the president is not running against anybody else he is still required to do his best at giving his country the best.

The speeches will be given at the Shoompaladore Plaza where everyone is able to see the potential candidates. This is strictly for the voting of the President and Vice President candidates. The speeches are given when there are two Presidential and VP candidates. There is a final speech right before the people vote and this speech is meant to be more personal to each of the candidates. It is suppose to be a down to earth speech and really speak to the people of Shoompaladore by telling them why they're the most suitable to take the position.

Vice President:

Vice-presidents have the same process as presidents but they have to present more information on how they will help the president with his duties.


Each person who is a born citizen of Shoompaladore and over the age of 18 is qualified to vote for their choice of leader. They will be able to vote at any local election office. Proof of age and citizenship will be required. Each natural born citizen of Shoompaladore has an equal say in their government. It is illegal for the Shoompaladorian Government to select those of upper class in the voting process. The upper class consists of any Shoompaladorian with any immediate family in the government and or a Shoompaladorian who makes with in the top fifty percentile of a financial salary.

We the people of Shoompaladore are proposing the following for our new constitution

Our legislative branch will consist of:

Our legislative branch will consist of:

The Shoompaladorian government consists of one house with two subcategories. The first category is the House of Shoompa "law". The house of Shoompalaw consists of 30 members. The responsibility of the House of Shoompalaw is to "design" new laws. The other category is the House of Shoompanono. The house of Shoompanono consists of 10 members. The responsibility of the the House of Shoompanono is to ensure that the laws being created by the House of Shoompalaw are constitutional. The purpose of the House of Shoompanono is to ensure that the ideas in the constitution are protected to the highest degree. Personal opinions cannot be represented in the House of Shoompanono, the constitution is the House’s voice. The Legislative Branch is the sole law making body of Shoompaladore. In order to be a member of the House of Shoompalaw, you must be above the age of 35 years old "before" officially taking office. All members must be voted in by the people as they are representation "of" the people. In addition, members must have studied and/or practiced Shoompaladorian government for a period of at least 10 years before running for a position in the House of Shoompalaw. All of those who choose to study and be apart of the Shoompaladore Government, must enter ad follow through with Shoompalorian schooling. This is a specific government school that teaches the past, present and future history of Shoompaladore. It is also taught what it means to be a Shoompaladorian and and how to apply it into the government and everyday tasks. In order to be a member of the House of Shoompanono, one must have studied and/or practiced Shoompaladorian government for 15 years. Members must be 35 years of age in order to run for a position in the House of Shoompanono. Members of the House of Shoompanono are elected by members of the House of Shoompalaw. Members of the house of Shoompalaw are randomly categorized into groups of three, and will represent one new Shoompanono being elected. It must be a unanimous decision among the three Shoompalaws when electing the Shoompanono. Me mbers of the House of Shoompalaw serve a 6 year term. Members of Shoompanono serve a lifetime term until retirement or resignation.

To make a new law:

In order for a law to be passed, the House of Shoompalaw must first create the law. After creation of the law, the House of Shoompalaw must pass the law by a 75% vote. This ensures that one party doesn’t rule over the other based on members when laws are being made. The sole purpose of the legislative body is to promote and protect unity among Shoompaladorians, and in order to do this, we must be united within our own branch of government. After passing of the law among the House of Shoompalaw, the law is then brought to the House of Shoompanono. The House of Shoompanono must have 80% in favor of the law in order for the law to become active. Upon passing of the law by the House of Shoompanono "after" passing by the House of Shoompalaw, the law is officially in effect.

Our court system will consist of:

In charge of the court system is the Shoompalian of Shoompaladore. He or she is appointed by having the highest military rank and reasonable amount of years in experience. Any potential bills that fall into the catagory of the court system will need to be approved by the Shoompalian. The only person who may over rule him or her is the current President of Shoompaladore. The Shoompalian has the duties of announcing new Shoompalaws of the court system to the public and will enforce them as well as their military officers. The Shoompalian is also to execute the death penalty, if the sentence is given. These military officers are and will stay at the same rank. The only way one is made Shoompalian is if they are appointed because of their experience in bin an officer. If two or more more officers are at the same level of experience then the current Shoompalian will choose who he or she wants as the next to take his or her place. If the current Shoompalian can not do so then the new Shoompalian will be appointed by the Shoompaladore government as a whole, meaning everyone in the house is allowed for one single vote per seat holder.

One who is found guilty of any kind of assault or murder will first stand trial in a court room. If convicted, the automatic sentence is fifteen years in prison. The purpose of this tight Shoompaladorian law is to lower chances that offences like these will be committed. If for any reason one of our prisons was to begin to over flow, the high risk offenders are kept or given the death penalty depending on the atrocity of the offense. Moderate and low risk convicts will serve prison time and may eventually be released on probation or parole. If one was to fail on one of these terms, then they will immediately be sent back to prison.

What Makes Shoompaladore Different:

1. Shoompaladore earned its independence on June 22, 1932. On the anniversary of this day, the citizens of Shoompaladore celebrate their independence by having firework shows, holding Shoompaladorian Independence Day parades, and by having massive feasts.

2. The country has many forms of entertainment, such as movies, internet, and newspapers. The Shoompaladorian movies are famous for their hero-action and adventure. Shoompaladorians enjoy the thrill of live action.

3. Shoompaladore was hanging by a thread when they suddenly were able to gain their independence. Shoompaladore was losing the Revolutionary war due to a lack of training and poor tactics. The Government then came in and gave the armed forces funding for skills, dynamic training regime, and guerrilla tactics.

4. Shoompaladore culture stresses a feeling of Peace, Freedom, & Pride. To uphold these views, laws against violence are quite strict. One who is found guilty of any kind of assault or murder will first stand trial in a court room. If convicted, the automatic sentence is fifteen years in prison. The purpose of this tight Shoompaladorian law is to lower the chances that offenses like these will be committed. If for any reason one of our prisons was to begin to over flow, the high risk offenders are kept or given the death penalty depending on the atrocity of the offense. Moderate and low risk convicts will serve prison time and may eventually be released on probation or parole. If one was to fail on one of these terms, then they will immediately be sent back to prison.

Explanation of the Shoopaladore Flag:

Because Shoompaladore has only recently escaped a dictatorship, the colors and symbolism of the flag were chosen to represent the struggle of war. The symbol of the flag, the Steppes Eagle (native to many Middle Eastern countries), represents the new found freedom of the Shoompaladorian people. The color green of the bird is the color of fertility and new life, while the red that surrounds it represents the courage and strength that the people showed in order to gain their freedom, as well as the blood spilt in the process. The entire flag is bordered in black, the color of death, to honor and recognize the sacrifice many Shoompaladorians gave to achieve their dream of a free country.


Finally, we, the undersigned, attest that this be the best form of government for our new nation.

Dayna Wallace

Justus Winn-Howard

Jimmy Coony

Fermin Hernandez

Elysia Ramirez


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